He sido fan de Prince desde la adolescencia. En 1990 tuve la suerte de ir al primer concierto que dio en Barcelona en el Palau Sant Jordi. Mi madre no quería dejarme ir sola, así que me alié con una vecina mayor que yo y nos fuimos. Mi hermana también vino.
El concierto fue espectacular. Creo que mi hermana y yo éramos las personas más jóvenes en el Palau; la gente nos subía a sus hombros para que pudiésemos ver a Prince en el escenario. Había pantallas, claro, pero queríamos verle cantar y bailar. Nos enamoramos.
Así que su música está enlazada a mi vida. El ayudó a moldear como veo muchas cosas, especialmente el amor y la sexualidad.
I've been a huge Prince's fan since I was a teenager. I was lucky to go to the first show he did in Barcelona in 1990 at Palau Sant Jordi. I remember that i wanted to go so bad but my mom was so afraid of let me go alone, that I convinced one of my neighbor (older than me) to go together. My sister came with us.
It was amazing. All the show, the people... Probably me and my sister were the youngest fan there. People were carrying us on their shoulder to help us see what was going on, on the stage. Of course there were screens but, we wanted to see him, singing and dancing. We felt in love.
So, my life has been sorrounded by his music. He shaped the way I understand a lot things, specially love and sexuality.
There's something about you, baby
It happens all the time
Whenever I'm around you, baby
I get a dirty mind...